Initiative / HeLTI

Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative

Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative

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Studies 4
The specific objectives of the initiative are: - Conduct a set of harmonized, coordinated studies that will evaluate interventions along the life course from pre-conception to childhood to promote metabolic fitness and early development in children between 3-5 years of age; - Conduct mechanistic studies that will explain the effect of the selected interventions; - Conduct complementary policy and economic analyses; - Develop cross-country, cross-site collaborations that will provide a learning platform and training environment for young and talented scientists; - Use the generated evidence to guide policy and actions in the near future, and identify research and programmatic needs for long-term strategies.
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General Information

Year created
Types of cohorts
  • Population cohort
  • Canada
  • China
  • India
  • South Africa
This project has received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Department of Biotechnology (DBT – India); National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC); and South Africa Medical Research Council(SAMRC).
Criteria of cohort's to be included
Intervention cohorts established in Canada, China, India and South Africa that examine the effects of interventions starting preconception, during pregnancy and into early childhood on body composition of children at 5 years of age and measures of early child development.
Health topic
  • Birth, infancy and childhood health
Socio-environmental context
  • NA


Number of participants

With harmonized data

Age range of the samples

Minimum age

Methodology for harmonization and integration

Strategy of harmonization
Data processing methods
  • NA
  • Type of infrastructure
    Integrative data analysis
    • NA
  • OBiBa (Opal/Mica)
  • Supplementary information
    Ongoing. Cohorts will start recruiting at different times during 2018 and are expected to take 18-24 months each. Data collection will continue until approximately 2025.Each cohort will recruit between 6,000 – 9,000 women in the preconception period.

    Number of cohorts

    With harmonized data
    Will more cohorts be harmonized?
    Number of harmonized variables (max.)


    Availability of metadata
    Availability of individual data

    Individual Studies

    Acronym Name Study design Participants Countries
    DOHaD Canadian DOHaD Cohort Registry
    DOHaD Canadian Interdisciplinary DOHaD Team Grants – Implications for Men, Women, Boys and Girls
    HeLTI Canada HeLTI Canadian Cohort
    HeLTI LIIC HeLTI Linked International Intervention Cohorts