Initiative / NCI - Cohort Consortium

National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium

National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium

NCI - Cohort Consortium logo
Studies 49
The main objectives of NCi are: 1. Foster communication among investigators leading cohort studies of cancer. 2. Promote collaborative research projects for topics not easily addressed in a single study. 3. Identify common challenges in cohort research and search for solutions.
Visit NCI - Cohort Consortium
Investigators Contacts
  • Dr. Joanne Elena
    National Cancer Institute
  • Dr. Rachel Hanisch
    National Cancer Institute

General Information

Year created
Types of cohorts
  • Population cohort
  • Patient/disease cohort
  • Clinical trial
Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, Canada, New Zeland.
NCI has funded investigator-initiated projects within the Cohort Consortium through competitive grant mechanisms, but all Cohort Consortium projects are subject to the same review process as other applications.
Criteria of cohort's to be included
The Cohort Consortium includes cohorts with a minimum of 10,000 study participants, in which cancer occurrence is accurately assessed, and has available some risk factor data; OR those with a minimum of 2,000 study participants to study cancer-related outcomes among those diagnosed with cancer. All studies must commit to scientific collaboration by being willing to contribute data for scientific research and consider participating in pooling studies.
Health topic
  • Environmental health
  • Occupational health
  • Social environment
  • Nutritional health
  • Cancer
  • General epidemiology
  • Genetics
  • Genomics
  • Other -omics


Number of participants


Age range of the samples

Minimum age
Maximum age

Methodology for harmonization and integration

Strategy of harmonization
Data processing methods
  • NA
  • Type of infrastructure
    Data are in different locations
    Integrative data analysis
    • Meta-analyses
    • Pooled analyses
    • Other : More updated information can be obtained requesting access to CMR
  • NA
  • Supplementary information To facilitate data sharing and data harmonization the NCI has funded the Cancer Epidemiology Descriptive Cohort Database (CEDCD) (, and the Cohort Metadata Repository (CMR) (, which details past harmonization efforts.

    Number of cohorts

    With harmonized data
    Will more cohorts be harmonized?


    Availability of metadata
    Under request
    Availability of individual data
    Under request

    Individual Studies

    Acronym Name Study design Participants Countries
    AHS Agricultural Health Study (AHS)private and commercial applicators-USA Population cohort 89,655
    AHS-2 Adventist Health Study-2 Population cohort 96,000
    ATBC Alpha-Tocopherol, BetaCarotene Cancer Prevention Study Clinical trial cohort 29,133
    Atlantic PATH Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow's Health Population cohort 34,000
    ATP Alberta's Tomorrow Project Population cohort 55,000
    BCDDP follow-up study Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project Follow-up Study Population cohort 64,182
    BCFR Breast Cancer Family Registry Cohort Population cohort 377,776
    BCGP BC Generations Project (British Columbia) Population cohort 30,000
    BCSC Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Population cohort 2,900,000
    Breakthrough Generations Study Breakthrough Generations Study Population cohort 113,000
    BWHS Black Women's Health Study Population cohort 59,000
    CaG CARTaGENE Population cohort 43,000
    Canadian Study of Diet, Lifestyle, and Health Canadian Study of Diet, Lifestyle, and Health Population cohort 73,909
    CanPath CanPath – the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health Population cohort 331,359
    CARET Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial Clinical trial cohort 18,341
    CCFRC Colon Cancer Family Registry Cohort Population cohort
    CLUE I Campaign against Cancer and Stroke Study (CLUE I) Clinical trial cohort 25,802
    CLUE II Campaign against Cancer and Heart Disease Study (CLUE II) Clinical trial cohort 32,898
    CPS-II The American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II Population cohort 181,000
    CPS II Nutrition CPS II Nutrition Cohort Population cohort 184,194
    CTS California Teachers Study Population cohort 133,479
    EPIC European Prospective Investigation into Cancer, Chronic Diseases, Nutrition and Lifestyle Patients' cohort 522,000
    ESMaestras Mexican Teachers' Cohort (Estudio de Salud de las Maestras or ESMaestras) 117,474
    GS:SFHS Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study Population cohort 23,960
    HPFS Health Professionals Follow-up Study Population cohort 51,529
    IWHS Iowa Women's Health Study Population cohort 41,836
    Mano a Mano Cohort Mexican American (Mano a Mano) Cohort Population cohort 26,672
    Millennium Cohort Study Millennium Cohort Study Population cohort 77,058
    MMHS Mayo Mammography Health Study Other 19,924
    NHS-II Nurses' Health Study II Population cohort 116,430
    NIT Nutrition Intervention Trials — Linxian Clinical trial cohort 32,887
    NLCS Netherlands Cohort Study Other 120,852
    NSHDS - MA Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study - The Mammography Screening Project Population cohort 28,800
    NSHDS - MO Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study - The Northen Sweden Monica Project Population cohort 11,800
    NYU Women's Health Study NYU Women's Health Study Case-control 14,274
    OHS Ontario Health Study Population cohort 228,611
    PCPT Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Clinical trial cohort 18,882
    PHS-I Physicians' Health Study I Clinical trial cohort 22,071
    PHS-II Physicians' Health Study II Clinical trial cohort 14,641
    PLCO Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial Clinical trial 155,000
    PONS The Polish-Norwegian Study Population cohort 13,172
    SCCS Southern Community Cohort Study Population cohort 85,000
    SELECT Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial Clinical trial cohort 34,887
    Sister study Sister study Population cohort 50,884
    SNMC Swedish National March Cohort Population cohort 43,880
    The Janus Serum Biobank The Janus Serum Biobank Population cohort 316,951
    USRT US Radiologic Technologists Cohort Population cohort 146,022
    VITAL VITamins And Lifestyle Cohort Study Population cohort 77,738
    WHS Women's Health Study Clinical trial cohort 39,876