Initiative / EUCAN-Connect



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Studies 87
The specific objectives of EUCAN-Connect are: * to deliver an open, federated data platform to deposit, curate and analyse cohort (meta)data that meets FAIR principles * to create a sustainable framework for long-term collaboration that enables better data-reuse and increased benefit to scientific communities worldwide
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Investigators Contacts
  • Prof. Morris Swertz
    University Medical Center Groningen

General Information

Year created
Types of cohorts
  • Population cohort
  • Canada
  • Norway
  • France
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Russian
  • Ireland
  • Portugal
  • Belgium
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • Finland
  • Australia
This project has received funding from the European Commission for five years (2019-2023), within the call topic SC1-BHC-05-2018 under Grant Agreement No 824989. The Canadian project partners have been funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé.
Criteria of cohort's to be included
European cohorts of babies born very preterm or with very low birth weight (VPT/ VLBW cohorts)
Socio-environmental context
  • NA


Methodology for harmonization and integration

Strategy of harmonization
Data processing methods
  • NA
  • Type of infrastructure
    Data are in different locations
    Integrative data analysis
    • Pooled analyses
    • Federated analyses
  • OBiBa (Opal/Mica)
  • DataSHIELD
  • Molgenis
  • Supplementary information
    The analyses are ongoing and harmonization has been planned.

    Number of cohorts

    With harmonized data
    Will more cohorts be harmonized?
    Number of harmonized variables (max.)


    Availability of metadata
    Availability of individual data

    Individual Studies

    Acronym Name Study design Participants Countries
    ABC Aboriginal Birth cohort Population cohort 686
    AOB/F All Our Families and All our babies Population cohort 6,774
    APrON Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Population cohort 5,175
    CaG CARTaGENE Population cohort 43,000
    CHILD Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development Study Population cohort 3,542
    CHRIS Cooperative Health Research in South Tyrol Study (Italy) Population cohort 13,393
    EMIGARDE Life experiences and psychosocial development of the child: the role and quality of child care services Population cohort 1,030
    EPIC-Oxford European Prospective Investigation into Cancer Population cohort 65,000
    FAMILY Family Atherosclerosis Monitoring in Early Life Population cohort 1,000
    FINRISK The National FINRISK Study- North Karelia Project Population cohort 35,000
    FPM Feelings in Pregnancy and Motherhood Population cohort 1,242
    GESTation and Environment Pregnancy and healthy child: a study of thyroid and environment Population cohort 1,561
    HUNT The HUNT Study Population cohort 123,000 Norway
    KFP Kids, Families and Places Population cohort 2,247
    KORA Cooperative health research in the Region of Augsburg Population cohort 18,000
    LifeLines LifeLines Cohort Study & Biobank Population cohort 167,000
    MAVAN Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment Population cohort 1,249
    MICROS Microisolates in South Tyrol Study Population cohort 1,175
    MIREC Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals Population cohort 2,000
    MIROS C Oxidative stress, fetal growth and programming of the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disorders Population cohort 614
    Mitchelstown cohort Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study Phase II - Mitchelstown cohort Patients' cohort 2,047
    Mommybabyfmm Fort McMurray Mommy Baby Study Clinical trial 412
    NCDS National Child Development Study Population cohort 17,634
    OaK Birth Cohort Ottawa and Kingston Birth Cohort Population cohort 9,416
    OBS Ontario Birth Study Population cohort 2,748
    PE-NET Pre-Eclampsia New Emerging Team Case-control 460
    PIS Project Ice Storm Population cohort 100
    PreDICTR Prenatal Determinants of Inflammation - mediated Conditions Transdisciplinary Research Population cohort 65
    PreMarck Early Pregnancy Markers for Pre-Eclampsia Population cohort 2,119
    PREVEND Prevention of REnal and Vascular ENd-stage Disease Population cohort 8,592
    QLSCD Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development Population cohort 2,120
    QNTS Quebec Newborn Twin Study Population cohort 650
    SAGE Study of Asthma, Genes and the Environment Case-control 723
    SHIP Study of Health in Pomerania Population cohort 7,008
    SRI_Exposure Early child development and the effects of prenatal antidepressant exposure Population cohort 550
    START South Asian Birth Cohort Population cohort 1,500
    TARGet Kids! TARGet Kids! Population cohort 5,062
    TBS Twin Birth Study Clinical trial cohort 2,800
    UK Biobank UK Biobank Population cohort 502,543
    ACTION Accesso alle Cure e Terapie Intensive Ostetriche e Neonatali (Access to Obstetrical and Neonatal Intensive Care) Population cohort 2,660
    ALSPAC Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Population cohort 14,541 United Kingdom
    ALSPAC G2 The second generation of The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Population cohort 810
    AYLS Arvo Ylppö Longitudinal Study Population cohort 2,193
    BEST(BLS) The Bavarian Longitudinal Study (BLS)/Bayerische Entwicklungsstudie (BEST) Case-control 7,505
    BIB Born in Bradford Population cohort 29,719
    CHOP European Childhood Obesity Project Clinical trial cohort 1,678
    DNBC Danish National Birth Cohort Population cohort 101,042
    EDEN EDEN-study on the pre- and early postnatal determinants of childhealth and development Population cohort 3,009
    ELFE French Longitudinal Study of Children Population cohort 18,329
    EPIBEL Extremely Preterm Infants in Belgium Population cohort 525
    EPICE Effective Perinatal Intensive Care In Europe Population cohort 10,329
    EPICure1 EPICure 1995 Population cohort 314
    EPICure2 EPICure2 Population cohort 1,031
    EPIPAGE 1 Étude épidémiologique sur les petits âges gestationnels 1 [epidemiological study on small gestational ages] Population cohort 2,573
    EPIPAGE 2 Étude épidémiologique sur les petits âges gestationnels 2 [epidemiological study on small gestational ages] Population cohort 7,804
    ESTER Ennenaikainen syntymä ja aikuisiän terveys (Preterm Birth and Early Life Programming of Adult Health and Disease) Case-control 753
    ESTONIA 1.2 ESTONIA I & II cohorts Population cohort 624
    ETFOL Ekstrem Tidlig Født Og Lavvægtig [The Danish national study in infants with extremely low gestationalage and birthweight] Population cohort 477
    EXPRESS Extremely preterm infants in Sweden study Population cohort 1,011
    GECKO Drenthe cohort Groningen Expert Center for Kids with Obesity (GECKO) Drenthe cohort Population cohort 2,997
    Generation R Generation R Study Population cohort 9,778
    Generation R Next Generation R Next Study Population cohort
    GNN German Neonatal Network Population cohort 13,343
    HBCS Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Population cohort 204,534
    HeSVA Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults Case-control 335
    INMA Infancia y medio ambiente Population cohort 3,768
    MoBa Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study Population cohort 285,200
    NFBC-1986 Northern Finland Birth Cohorts - 1986 Population cohort 9,479
    NHAPC Nutrition and Health of Aging Population in China Population cohort 3,289
    NHS Nurses' Health Study Population cohort 121,700
    NINFEA Nascita e INFanzia: gli Effetti dell'Ambiente Population cohort 4,492
    NOMAS The Northern Manhattan Study Population cohort 3,298
    NOWAC Norwegian Women and Cancer Study Population cohort 165,772
    NTNU LBW Life Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Low Birth Weight Life study Case-control 141
    PEP Project Extreme Prematurity Population cohort 464
    Pinkeltje/Lollipop Preterm infants knowledge on target height and outcome Population cohort 2,125
    PIPARI Pienipainoiset riskilapset (The Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants) Case-control 478
    POPS Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study Population cohort 4,512
    RAINE-GEN2 The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study-Generation 2 Population cohort 2,868
    REPRO_PL Polish Mother and Child Cohort Study Population cohort 479
    RHEA Mother-Child cohort in Crete Population cohort 1,610
    ROLO Randomized cOntrol trial of LOw glycaemic index diet to prevent the recurrence of macrosomia Clinical trial cohort 800
    SMC The Swedish Mammography Cohort Population cohort 61,433
    SUN Cohort Seguimiento University of Navarra Population cohort 22,915
    SWS The Southampton Women’s Survey Population cohort 15,741
    WHI Women's Health Initiative Other 161,000
    Zutphen Elderly Study The Zutphen Elderly study - Expansion of the Zutphen cohort Population cohort 939