The specific objectives of EUCAN-Connect are:
* to deliver an open, federated data platform to deposit, curate and analyse cohort (meta)data that meets FAIR principles
* to create a sustainable framework for long-term collaboration that enables better data-reuse and increased benefit to scientific communities worldwide
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General Information
- Year created
- 2019
- Types of cohorts
- Population cohort
- Countries
- Canada
- Norway
- France
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Germany
- Greece
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Russian
- Ireland
- Portugal
- Belgium
- Spain
- Sweden
- Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- Finland
- Australia
- Setting
- International
- Funding
- This project has received funding from the European Commission for five years (2019-2023), within the call topic SC1-BHC-05-2018 under Grant Agreement No 824989. The Canadian project partners have been funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé.
- Criteria of cohort's to be included
- European cohorts of babies born very preterm or with very low birth weight (VPT/ VLBW cohorts)
- Socio-environmental context
- NA
Methodology for harmonization and integration
- Strategy of harmonization
- Ex-post
- Data processing methods
- NA
- Type of infrastructure
- Data are in different locations
- Integrative data analysis
- Pooled analyses
- Federated analyses
- Software
- OBiBa (Opal/Mica)
- Molgenis
- Supplementary information
- The analyses are ongoing and harmonization has been planned.
Number of cohorts
- Total
- 20
- With harmonized data
- 0
- Will more cohorts be harmonized?
- Number of harmonized variables (max.)
- 0
- Availability of metadata
- Availability of individual data
Individual Studies
Acronym | Name | Study design | Participants | Countries |
ABC | Aboriginal Birth cohort | Population cohort | 686 | |
AOB/F | All Our Families and All our babies | Population cohort | 6,774 | |
APrON | Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition | Population cohort | 5,175 | |
CaG | CARTaGENE | Population cohort | 43,000 | |
CHILD | Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development Study | Population cohort | 3,542 | |
CHRIS | Cooperative Health Research in South Tyrol Study (Italy) | Population cohort | 13,393 | |
EMIGARDE | Life experiences and psychosocial development of the child: the role and quality of child care services | Population cohort | 1,030 | |
EPIC-Oxford | European Prospective Investigation into Cancer | Population cohort | 65,000 | |
FAMILY | Family Atherosclerosis Monitoring in Early Life | Population cohort | 1,000 | |
FINRISK | The National FINRISK Study- North Karelia Project | Population cohort | 35,000 | |
FPM | Feelings in Pregnancy and Motherhood | Population cohort | 1,242 | |
GESTation and Environment | Pregnancy and healthy child: a study of thyroid and environment | Population cohort | 1,561 | |
HUNT | The HUNT Study | Population cohort | 123,000 | Norway |
KFP | Kids, Families and Places | Population cohort | 2,247 | |
KORA | Cooperative health research in the Region of Augsburg | Population cohort | 18,000 | |
LifeLines | LifeLines Cohort Study & Biobank | Population cohort | 167,000 | |
MAVAN | Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment | Population cohort | 1,249 | |
MICROS | Microisolates in South Tyrol Study | Population cohort | 1,175 | |
MIREC | Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals | Population cohort | 2,000 | |
MIROS C | Oxidative stress, fetal growth and programming of the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disorders | Population cohort | 614 | |
Mitchelstown cohort | Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study Phase II - Mitchelstown cohort | Patients' cohort | 2,047 | |
Mommybabyfmm | Fort McMurray Mommy Baby Study | Clinical trial | 412 | |
NCDS | National Child Development Study | Population cohort | 17,634 | |
OaK Birth Cohort | Ottawa and Kingston Birth Cohort | Population cohort | 9,416 | |
OBS | Ontario Birth Study | Population cohort | 2,748 | |
PE-NET | Pre-Eclampsia New Emerging Team | Case-control | 460 | |
PIS | Project Ice Storm | Population cohort | 100 | |
PreDICTR | Prenatal Determinants of Inflammation - mediated Conditions Transdisciplinary Research | Population cohort | 65 | |
PreMarck | Early Pregnancy Markers for Pre-Eclampsia | Population cohort | 2,119 | |
PREVEND | Prevention of REnal and Vascular ENd-stage Disease | Population cohort | 8,592 | |
QLSCD | Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development | Population cohort | 2,120 | |
QNTS | Quebec Newborn Twin Study | Population cohort | 650 | |
SAGE | Study of Asthma, Genes and the Environment | Case-control | 723 | |
SHIP | Study of Health in Pomerania | Population cohort | 7,008 | |
SRI_Exposure | Early child development and the effects of prenatal antidepressant exposure | Population cohort | 550 | |
START | South Asian Birth Cohort | Population cohort | 1,500 | |
TARGet Kids! | TARGet Kids! | Population cohort | 5,062 | |
TBS | Twin Birth Study | Clinical trial cohort | 2,800 | |
UK Biobank | UK Biobank | Population cohort | 502,543 | |
ACTION | Accesso alle Cure e Terapie Intensive Ostetriche e Neonatali (Access to Obstetrical and Neonatal Intensive Care) | Population cohort | 2,660 | |
ALSPAC | Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children | Population cohort | 14,541 | United Kingdom |
ALSPAC G2 | The second generation of The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children | Population cohort | 810 | |
AYLS | Arvo Ylppö Longitudinal Study | Population cohort | 2,193 | |
BEST(BLS) | The Bavarian Longitudinal Study (BLS)/Bayerische Entwicklungsstudie (BEST) | Case-control | 7,505 | |
BIB | Born in Bradford | Population cohort | 29,719 | |
CHOP | European Childhood Obesity Project | Clinical trial cohort | 1,678 | |
DNBC | Danish National Birth Cohort | Population cohort | 101,042 | |
EDEN | EDEN-study on the pre- and early postnatal determinants of childhealth and development | Population cohort | 3,009 | |
ELFE | French Longitudinal Study of Children | Population cohort | 18,329 | |
EPIBEL | Extremely Preterm Infants in Belgium | Population cohort | 525 | |
EPICE | Effective Perinatal Intensive Care In Europe | Population cohort | 10,329 | |
EPICure1 | EPICure 1995 | Population cohort | 314 | |
EPICure2 | EPICure2 | Population cohort | 1,031 | |
EPIPAGE 1 | Étude épidémiologique sur les petits âges gestationnels 1 [epidemiological study on small gestational ages] | Population cohort | 2,573 | |
EPIPAGE 2 | Étude épidémiologique sur les petits âges gestationnels 2 [epidemiological study on small gestational ages] | Population cohort | 7,804 | |
ESTER | Ennenaikainen syntymä ja aikuisiän terveys (Preterm Birth and Early Life Programming of Adult Health and Disease) | Case-control | 753 | |
ESTONIA 1.2 | ESTONIA I & II cohorts | Population cohort | 624 | |
ETFOL | Ekstrem Tidlig Født Og Lavvægtig [The Danish national study in infants with extremely low gestationalage and birthweight] | Population cohort | 477 | |
EXPRESS | Extremely preterm infants in Sweden study | Population cohort | 1,011 | |
GECKO Drenthe cohort | Groningen Expert Center for Kids with Obesity (GECKO) Drenthe cohort | Population cohort | 2,997 | |
Generation R | Generation R Study | Population cohort | 9,778 | |
Generation R Next | Generation R Next Study | Population cohort | ||
GNN | German Neonatal Network | Population cohort | 13,343 | |
HBCS | Health Behaviour in School-aged Children | Population cohort | 204,534 | |
HeSVA | Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults | Case-control | 335 | |
INMA | Infancia y medio ambiente | Population cohort | 3,768 | |
MoBa | Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study | Population cohort | 285,200 | |
NFBC-1986 | Northern Finland Birth Cohorts - 1986 | Population cohort | 9,479 | |
NHAPC | Nutrition and Health of Aging Population in China | Population cohort | 3,289 | |
NHS | Nurses' Health Study | Population cohort | 121,700 | |
NINFEA | Nascita e INFanzia: gli Effetti dell'Ambiente | Population cohort | 4,492 | |
NOMAS | The Northern Manhattan Study | Population cohort | 3,298 | |
NOWAC | Norwegian Women and Cancer Study | Population cohort | 165,772 | |
NTNU LBW Life | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Low Birth Weight Life study | Case-control | 141 | |
PEP | Project Extreme Prematurity | Population cohort | 464 | |
Pinkeltje/Lollipop | Preterm infants knowledge on target height and outcome | Population cohort | 2,125 | |
PIPARI | Pienipainoiset riskilapset (The Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants) | Case-control | 478 | |
POPS | Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study | Population cohort | 4,512 | |
RAINE-GEN2 | The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study-Generation 2 | Population cohort | 2,868 | |
REPRO_PL | Polish Mother and Child Cohort Study | Population cohort | 479 | |
RHEA | Mother-Child cohort in Crete | Population cohort | 1,610 | |
ROLO | Randomized cOntrol trial of LOw glycaemic index diet to prevent the recurrence of macrosomia | Clinical trial cohort | 800 | |
SMC | The Swedish Mammography Cohort | Population cohort | 61,433 | |
SUN Cohort | Seguimiento University of Navarra | Population cohort | 22,915 | |
SWS | The Southampton Women’s Survey | Population cohort | 15,741 | |
WHI | Women's Health Initiative | Other | 161,000 | |
Zutphen Elderly Study | The Zutphen Elderly study - Expansion of the Zutphen cohort | Population cohort | 939 |